If you have any problems using Aman Pay, please contact us and we will be happy to help. You can call us on +218-91-0011848 or email amanpayqr@amanbank.ly
If you have any problems using Aman Pay, please contact us and we will be happy to help. You can call us on +218-91-0011848 or email amanpayqr@amanbank.ly
It is free to use Aman Pay QR application, there will be no additional charges to your account.
Once you download Aman Mobile application, you can make any purchase easily. Select the Aman Pay QR menu option then log in to the application, scan the merchant QR code.Enter the amount to be paid and confirm the process by entering the verification code by following the necessary steps with Aman Secure Application.
You will receive an SMS to complete the purchase.
You need to be an Aman Online Banking customer with an active bank account in order to use Aman Pay. Simply click on the download button above and sign in with your username and password.
QR is short for Quick Response code. It is a coded graphic that works in a similar way to a barcode displayed on goods found in stores.